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Winning a cooperative online vocabulary learning tournament: Teamwork strategies applied by Ecuadorian teachers and students during the COVID-19 pandemic


In foreign language learning contexts, vocabulary acquisition is sometimes perceived as a solitary
activity with word lists and flash cards for memorization. However, it is possible to create vocabulary
learning tasks that take into account both individual and cooperative efforts in a competitive environment that promotes engagement and motivation. The paper provides an account of the vocabulary learning and teamwork strategies employed by a group of Ecuadorian teachers and students who took part in an international online vocabulary tournament under the unprecedented
circumstances of the COVID-19 lockdown in 2020. The data analyzed include reflective vocabulary journals and the WhatsApp messages exchanged. The authors conclude that in addition to the discovery and consolidation strategies for vocabulary learning, the team’s cooperative interactions combined with a high level of social motivation have significantly contributed to their success.

Palabras clave

vocabulary acquisition, cooperative learning, teamwork strategies, social motivation, online vocabulary applications

PDF (English)