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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • When an abstract is included, it contains up to 150 words.
  • The abstract and the text indicate within the first lines in what genre the article is inscribed -whether it is a reflective article, a research article, a classroom account, classroom activities, an interview, a materials review, an academic event report, or a literature review. That will help reviewers evaluate your text fairly.
  • The word limit expected for the specific genre is respected.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor submitted to another journal.
  • The text respects the latest APA guidelines in all respects.
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.

Author Guidelines

AJAL receives submissions from individual authors, as well as from groups of no more than four authors, from all over the world. We invite teachers of any second or foreign language as well as translators and researchers in the field of applied linguistics to submit their manuscripts to our journal, in either English or Spanish. Authors from Argentina and Latin America are especially encouraged to collaborate with us. Teachers of English from Argentina willing to publish in our journal are expected to be members of a Teachers’ Association linked to FAAPI by the time of the publication - if you are not, please contact the editors. 

Types of manuscripts you may submit

Original research article: this is a manuscript that reports the outcomes of your own research. It usually includes sections such as an Introduction, Literature review, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions and implications, and References. Length: between 5,000 and 7,000 words (including tables and graphs, without references and appendices).

Literature review/state-of-the-art article: this is a critical review of the literature on a particular theme of interest to AJAL. Sections may vary but authors are encouraged to include conclusions that promote reflection and suggestions for further research. The article should contain a minimum of 30 quality references. Length: between 3,000 and 5,000 words (including tables and graphs, without references)

Reflective article: this is an article based on theoretical underpinnings. It includes description, analysis, and evaluation of a specific topic or issue. Length: between 2,000 and 3,500 words (including tables and graphs, without references).

Interview-based article: this is an article that consists of an interview with a specialist in a specific field within applied linguistics and it includes a framework of reference and concluding remarks. Length: between 3,000 and 4,500 words (including tables and graphs, without references).

Classroom activities: this type of article describes strategies, techniques, or activities which could be implemented in the second and/or foreign language classroom. The Editors will favour those which are the product of your own creation and/or adaptation and that you may have tried. The manuscript should be highly practical with clear instructions, and direct classroom application or implementation. Length: between 1,000 and 3,500 words (including tables, without references and appendices).

Classroom account: this is a narrative article based on personal classroom experiences such as projects, materials development, or other special systematic undertakings. Length: between 1,000 and 3,500 words (including tables, without references and appendices).

Materials review: this is a review of a book, software, website, or any other resource of relevance to AJAL readers. Length: between 600 and 1,500 words.

Academic event report: this is the report of a conference or a symposium that has taken place in Latin America and is relevant to AJAL readers. Length: between 600 and 1,500 words.

How to prepare your submission

  1. Read these instructions carefully. For issues that are not included here, please contact the Editor at before submitting your manuscript.
  2. Submit a complete manuscript. We do not accept abstracts prior to complete submission.
  3. Remember that authors’ names, self-referentials - e.g. As I have outlined elsewhere (Wright, 2011) - and affiliations MUST NOT appear in the manuscript. All manuscripts undergo blind reviewing.
  4. Make sure that your manuscript is written in accurate English (AmE and BrE spelling are accepted but these should not be used simultaneously). 
  5. Please, have your manuscript proofread or edited before submitting it. Manuscripts in need of serious editing will be rejected and will not go through the peer review process.
  6. Make sure you respect the word count according to the type of manuscript you submit.
  7. Do not insert page breaks in your manuscript.
  8. With the exception of materials reviews and academic event reports, all manuscripts should include a title. The title must be clear and self-contained. Please avoid long titles.
  9. Once your text is ready, please press the button “Submit” which you will find at the bottom of the main page, and follow the instructions. The information you enter along this process, such as your full name, your affiliation, and email address, will then be part of the published article, so double-check spelling before you continue.

Copyright Notice

By submitting your manuscript to AJAL, you confirm that you have read
and followed all instructions to the authors. You confirm that it is an original
manuscript whose authorship belongs to you and that it has not been
published previously or under consideration for publication elsewhere. By
submitting your manuscript you also confirm that all potential conflicts of
interest have been taken care of successfully and that your manuscript does
follow strict ethical procedures such as data protection, anonymity, consent forms
from participants, permissions from published materials, or any third
parties. Once your article is accepted, you should authorise AJAL to reproduce the full text on AJAL website. This will imply filling in a publication license
form to be indicated by the editor. If you wish to use the article again in a
publication written or edited by you, you may do so provided that its
original publication in AJAL is acknowledged.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.


Special Issue Articles

Reflective articles

Research articles

Interview-based article

Literature reviews / State-of-the-art article

Classroom account

Classroom activities

Materials reviews

Academic event report