Una Propuesta para la Enseñanza de Lectura en Inglés en Medicina Veterinaria y Ciencias de la Educación basada en la Pedagogía del Género

The classroom account described in this article presents the design of an innovative pedagogical approach focused on improving textbook reading comprehension in English for Specific Purposes (ESP) courses in Veterinary Medicine and Educational Sciences at the National University of Río Cuarto. In higher education, students need to understand academic and scientific genres of varying degrees of specialization in order to learn the concepts and methodologies of each discipline. In this context, it is necessary to implement teaching approaches that foster the students´ academic literacy through the design of teaching materials that promote the development of reading in different disciplines. From this perspective, we designed a Genre Pedagogy-based sequence, with the aim of helping our students develop and apply strategies for reading textbooks in English.
academic literacy, Genre Pedagogy, textbook, English