Effect of Interactionist, Group and Computerized Dynamic Assessment on Iranian EFL Learners’ Listening Comprehension: Impact of Interactionist, Group and Computerized Dynamic Assessment.....

This study aimed to compare three models of dynamic assessment: Interactionist, Group and Computerized Dynamic Assessments, to see if there are any differences among them regarding their effects on EFL learners’ listening comprehension. To this purpose, the Preliminary English Test (PET) was administered to 140 Iranian EFL learners and 80 of them were selected as the sample of the study. They were assigned to four equal control and experimental groups and subjected to treatment through traditional instruction as well as the instruction required by the mentioned models. The results obtained from the pr-test, post-test comparison revealed that the three models of assessment affected the participants’ listening comprehension, but Group Dynamic Assessment had a more positive impact on their listening. The findings imply that EFL teachers need to a change the traditional models of listening comprehension assessment which emphasize psychometric quantification of students' performances and offer no opportunities for learner-teacher interaction.
Interactionist Dynamic Assessment, Group Dynamic Assessment, Computerized Dynamic Assessment, listening comprehension